Social enterprise is increasingly capturing imaginations across Africa and the rest of the world. We have anecdotal evidence of increasing activity in the form of social start-ups, incubators and accelerators and the emergence of social or impact investment. More and more NGOs and CSOs seem to be looking at social enterprise as a potential model to ensure longer term sustainability of their operations. However, to date there is little quantitative evidence of how many social enterprises there are in many countries or detail about their operations and impact, Nigeria is no exception.
Social enterprise in Nigeria is still an emerging concept, though a growing number of social enterprises are currently demonstrating their potential by providing innovative solutions to tackle social challenges and issues in diverse sectors across the country. We are proud that our research work on the State of Social Enterprise in Nigeria with support from the Social Enterprise Uk for the British council, is going to contribute to this knowledge space.
Find the link below to read and download this novel research!