
NE CORE Baseline Evaluation

Fhi360, Mercy Corps (MC), Danish Refugee Council (DRC), and INTERSOS designed the NE-CORE Consortium to fill the gaps and provide immediate basic needs for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in camps and host communities, that is; 1) to ensure vulnerable families have access to foods, shelter, clean water, and sanitation while receiving health, nutrition and protection

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Perennial Malaria Chemoprevention (PMC) – End of Round Programmatic Assessment

Qualiquant conducted the Perennial Malaria Chemoprevention (PMC) Effect study; a collaborative effort between the Malaria Consortium and the National Health Agency, to investigate the impact of administering antimalarial medications to children at predetermined intervals to mitigate malaria burden. The study builds on intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in infants (IPTi), utilising sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) courses. SP

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Impact assessment and Outcome mapping and Harvesting, Beneficiary mapping and Categorisation Study

Qualiquant was commissioned by TEF to execute a Third-Party Monitoring, Business Assessment, and Program Impact Evaluation, with the objective of improving the effectiveness of the TEF Entrepreneurship Programme. This program has an ambitious goal of providing substantial support to entrepreneurs across all 54 African nations. The responsibilities of the Qualiquant team included creating a comprehensive

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Girls & Mobile 2.0

Girl Effect (GE) undertook an extensive and ‘first of its kind’ research study – Girls and Mobile – to understand the needs, access and usage of mobile technologies among adolescent girls in 2018. Data existed on the gender digital divide between men and women, focusing on phone ownership and access to mobile internet, but not

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Mastercard Financial Inclusion Impact Framework

  Country: Nigeria Field(s) / Sector(s) : Financial Year : 2022   Mastercard impact assessment framework project aims to measure the impact of Mastercard products on the users in a way that captures individual pathways to financial health, and contribute to the creation of a scalable and adaptive tool . The objective of the study

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Baseline Evaluation For The Naija Unlock Signature Program

Country: Nigeria Field(s) / Sector(s) : Agriculture Year: 2022   Qualiquant was contracted to conduct a baseline evaluation on three key value chains (Rice, Tomato, and Poultry) in 4 locations in Nigeria, namely: Benue, Edo, Nasarawa and Ogun State. The overarching objective of this assessment is to determine a point of reference from which future

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Posner Foundation Food Waste Study

Country: Nigeria Field(s) / Sector(s) : Food Year: 2022 Busara Center for Behavioural Economics was conducting a study that seeks to understand how food waste occurs at the point of purchase in traditional and digital markets in Abuja, Nigeria. Qualiquant was contracted to conduct qualitative research to achieve the study objective. The study adopted a

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Strengthening the Demand for Primary Health Care

Country: Nigeria Field(s) / Sector(s) : Health Year: 2022 Qualiquant was contracted to conduct research to determine and seek to understand and address the challenge of low Primary Health Care (PHC) utilisation across some Nigerian communities. To this end, a qualitative survey was developed to improve the understanding of local experiences and perceptions of PHC

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